Who am I
I’m currently working as head of front-end software development at Telefonica Tech.
I’m writing code professionally since 2002, working as a front-end specialist since 2009, and as a front-end architect since 2014.
My main skills are: building web apps in JavaScript & Node.js, CI/CD, development tools, and E2E testing. Framework agnostic, currently using mainly React, Node.js, TypeScript, Github actions and Cypress.
I am known for being methodical and detail oriented, a high quality code advocate, oriented to modular solutions, and open source author.
You can read my CV and more about me in my Manfred profile.
Key skills
Front-end development 95%
Modular architectures 90%
Node.js 90%
CI/CD 85%
E2E Testing 80%
Latest Jobs
Companies in which I have been working on my latest projects
Featured Open Source projects
Main open source projects I'm currently maintaining
My contributions
I proudly support these projects in open collective